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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.



Jordan: What about instances where characters are actually looking for knowledge, like that hidden library in Avatar or the ark in Raiders of the Lost Arch- are those subversions- there seem to be instances where knowledge is power in a very literal sense. The Mummy also comes to mind in the sense that the Book of the Dead and other artifacts are made of precious metal and so the Americans want them for that reason, even if they also have an important intellectual value.

Earnest: I'd say they're not subversions, but another trope entirely. There's plenty of examples of heroes questing for answers to plot points, be it the weakness of an arch enemy, a cure for The Virus, or the secret technique to learn new powers. Knowledge Is Power maybe? Or if you want to go with the avatar example: Knowledge For Its Own Sake ^_^

Fire Walk: Bad Natter, no soup for you:

  • Parchment? They sold it for the value of parchment?! What about a book collector? What about a library? Raask!
    • Um, not exactly. They sold every last scrap of parchment (to say nothing of the antique furniture) to collectors and libraries for its value as, you know, literature. That was the quirk in the pricing charts Brian exploited - the GM told them how old the ruins were, and books go up in price as a function of their age.

Tyhm: Does anyone remember what story it was ended with the treasure turning out to be worthless confederate stocks and bonds? (Later it turned out there was a handsome wealth of neutral and international stocks mixed in?)

Daibhid C: Pulled this:
And though this seems to be claimed for Shakespeare almost EVERYWHERE, the line is not from Shakespeare, but from the 18th Century poet Thomas Gray's 'Ode on a favourite cat, drowned in a tub of goldfishes', a satire on the tendency of poets at the time to write epic poems about bugger all. Sort of a Beam Me Up, Scotty!, but with the wrong author rather than a misquotation.
Because although Gray did use it, so did Shakespeare (Merchant of Venice, Act II scene vii), and since he died 100 years before Gray was born, it seems likely he used it first.
