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Archived Discussion Film / TheGarbagePailKidsMovie

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Caswin: By the sound of it, this page seems to be more closely based on The Nostalgia Critic's review of the movie than an actual viewing. That's understandable, but it doesn't quite seem fair. (Even based on that, I could attest that there was a plot to the film. A horrible, horrible plot, but a plot.) Or am I wrong?

Arcadiarika: It's pretty bad. Very bad. It's, like, dedicated to grossout humor. And from what I heard, the Critic didn't touch upon a scene with one of the kids vomiting everywhere. Even so, I don't mind if anyone who watched the film would help out to make it more structured. That's why it's created—not only to warn people about the existence of one of the worst gross-out films ever, but to have others (should there any brave souls) help out on it. (Then again, it makes me wish that Roger Ebert would have done a review to give it a little bit more structure aside from the rating over at IMDB. I know that the film, like the cards it's based on, has a small cult following.)
