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Archived Discussion FRanchise / FinalFantasy

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: If I remember correctly, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance takes place in a previously-established universe as well - but not a Final Fantasy universe. Is that right?

Also, what about the various games that were re-named into Final Fantasy games when they were brought over here? There was a series on the Game Boy, I belive...

Kendra Kirai: The Final Fantasy Legend games (1-3) were SaGa games, and Final Fantasy Adventure was Seiken Densetsu.

Ununnilium: Hmmmm, I see. And what about the Chocobo's Dungeon games?

Outsyder0486: Hey, I've started initial entries for numbers I, IV, V, and VI, and Amethyst has claimed dibs on X. Does anyone know enough about II and III to get entries going? I have to say I'm not really familiar with them.

Seth: My favorite was always VIII

HeartBurn Kid: Really? VIII was the one that turned me off of Final Fantasy forever.

Outsyder0486: I have to say, VIII almost did that for me, as well. After I played it and IX, my faith was crumbling, but I played X, and it was restored.

Oh, and by the way, I need adverb help. For each entry, I've been doing a thing where I say "Final Fantasy ______ is the _____th entry into the ______ly popular Final Fantasy series". I've used:

Any ideas? Basically, synonyms for those words.

Susan Davis: ...and we used "absurdly" for the Final Fantasy series page itself.

Harpie Siren: Massively. Vastly. Tremendously. Incredibly. Extremely.

Tanto: Yeesh, you go away for a weekend and suddenly a Final Fantasy X page gets 31 edits. And here's me thinking that all the games in between VI and XII were fairly stock. Except for the Tactics games. In fact, since I spent almost a solid year toiling over it, I may well take the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance page. Eventually. Someday. After I'm elected to the Senate.

Ununnilium: Those lines on VII and X were by me. Yes, I did like that style. ^_^

HeartBurn Kid: I'll give you a cookie if you use "Ginormously" for IX.

Outsyder0486: OK, "ginormously" it is. Senator Tanto is going to handle Tactics Advance, and I can handle IX and the original Tactics. Can anyone take care of II and III? I've played II for all of one hour, and I haven't ever played III. Also, I have yet to play XII. It was games or textbooks, and FFXII wouldn't help me pass Digital Logic...:(

GameGuruGG: Added my own contribution to the Running Gag for Final Fantasy Dissidia.

Mr Death: Anyone else think the image for this page should be one from Dissidia, since that'll have pretty much all the heroes from the main series? I think that would be a better way to exemplify the whole thing than just Yuna.

Kerrah: IMHO, there's no single picture that can sum up the Final Fantasy series. I found a picture with the entire cast of Dissidia, but reducing its size to fit the article made all the characters too small to tell apart.

Mr Death: Maybe the logo template, maybe?

Kerrah: It looks kinda bland.
