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Archived Discussion Es / LaNotabilidadNoExiste

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Yikes. I was about to assign a flag to the Spanish namespace and am not sure which one to use. Little help?

Halfling Daniel: How about a capital "Ñ"? That's a letter that belongs mostly to the Spanish language, so it's easy to make the connection "Ñ = Spanish".

Earnest: I concur. It's nationality neutral and gets the point across. Hmm... I almost want to suggest an upside down exclamation point, or one on each side like so "¡Ñ!" to really drive it home. But that might be overkill or crowd out the icon.

Richie Adler: And how about, if we write in Spanish, we do it well? The trope in Spanish should be called "La Notabilidad No Existe", because "No existe tal cosa..." is imported directly from English, without consideration to existing Spanish constructs...

Fast Eddie: Yeah. Spanish speakers are going to have to look after the Spanish pages. English speakers can't do it for you.

Earnest: There we go.
