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Archived Discussion Characters / DominicDeegan

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Um, hi. Could we have this page with a bit less Take That! and Complaining About Shows You Dont Like please?

Nerdorama: You know, except for the footnote about the Caste System (which is genuine, accepted Fanon in some places), this article seems rather factual and balanced compared to earlier versions I've seen of it in the main article. Or even the main article as a whole, for that matter. And just for reference, an unusually large percentage of DD's readership comes for the Snark Bait, so there's always going to be Complaining About Shows You Dont Like following it everywhere.

Shouldn't Rachel Hart be listed as a Faux Action Girl? I don't mean this as a Take That, but Rachel, despite being muscular and enjoying bashing things, pretty much gets her ass kicked within the first few moments of any battle she's in.

Kizor: Nah, she was good before TIM and Collateral Damage Man turned the fights into DBZ.

Mr Death: Made a few minor edits, partly making things slightly less cynical and snarky sounding.
