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11th Nov '13 at 12:17:55 AMSpoonElemental
line 19 changed to:
Deadrising 2: Case West - You kill some guards in a room and that room becomes your safehouse.
Deadrising 2: Case West - You kill some people in a romm and that room becomes your safehouse.
11th Nov '13 at 12:17:04 AMSpoonElemental
line 1 changed to:
Is there a trope for having to fight enemies while in the HubLevel? It can be a boss fight or waves of enemies or whatever. The point is you are fighting in a place the player never thought that they would have to fight.


Bastion - The hub get invaded halfway through the game

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time - There is a tutorial fight in the hub area as well as what is technically the final boss.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity\'s Requiem - One of the levels is the hub level in the past and you are required to fight. It also gets invaded late in the game during the present.

Silent Hill The Room - The hub starts attacking you later into the game

Dead Rising - one of the characters gets turned into a zombie late in the game while they are still in the Safehouse.

Deadrising 2: Case Zero - You fight a boss in the safehouse.

Deadrising 2 - Safehouse gets invaded by zombies late into the game.

Deadrising 2: Case West - You kill some people in a romm and that room becomes your safehouse.

Disgaea 2 - You can optionally fight several bonus bosses in the hub.

Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door - there are several story fights that take place in the hub

I could go on for much much longer but I think you get the point.
Is there a trope for having to fight enemies while in the HubLevel? It can be a boss fight or waves of enemies or whatever. The point is you are fighting in a place the player never thought that they would have to fight.

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