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19th Aug '13 at 05:05:16 PMRikun
line 1 changed to:
Do we have a trope in which someone starts believing EveryoneIsSatanInHell, but then pushes that even further by concluding that everything, even the LORD GOD that taught him/her these lessons, must also be evil? This would not be a case of someone realizing the horrible truth of a JerkassGod, but rather the extremism taking over and the original intent of the message becoming completely lost.
Do we have a trope in which someone starts believing EverythingIsSatanInHell, but then pushes that even further by concluding that everything, even the LORD GOD that taught him/her these lessons, must also be evil? This would not be a case of someone realizing the horrible truth, but rather the extremism taking over and the original intent of the message becoming completely lost.

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