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19th Oct '12 at 02:12:54 AMHeartOfAnAstronaut
line 5 changed to:
The second book wasn\'t a picture book. It was a children\'s book about a little girl who befriends an elderly man who lives in her town. It\'s strongly implied that the man is God and he has a lot of philosophical conversations with the girl, e.g. about suffering in the world. He has a room full of tv screens that he can use to watch anyone he wants - at one point when the girl is visiting they watch her dad cooking dinner and see the family\'s pet dog (or cat) get at the meat. The girl goes home that night and doesn\'t tell anyone about the dinner but hints at it, saying she doesn\'t want a second portion because it tastes a bit \"doggy\". The friendly-god-man also has a mysterious glowing globe and towards the end of the book burglars break into the house and steal the globe, among other things. The globe has a button that the man can push to \"start again\". I don\'t remember the ethnicity of the family.
The second book wasn\'t a picture book. It was a children\'s book about a little girl who befriends an elderly man who lives in her town. It\'s strongly implied that the man is God. He has a load of screens and can use them watch anyone he wants - at one point when the girl is visiting they watch her dad cooking dinner and see the family\'s pet dog (or cat) get at the meat. The girl goes home that night and doesn\'t tell anyone about the dinner but hints at it, saying she doesn\'t want a second portion because it tastes a bit \

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