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28th Jan '24 at 10:26:02 PMlalalei2001
line 1 changed to:
I remember reading this in a reprint of an anthology series as a backup story, possibly a DC or Marvel comic, but for the life of me I have no idea what it was. It was a short story revolving around a condemned prisoner being put in a jail with only one exit, and if he could find it within a set amount of time, he'd be free, but otherwise he'd be executed.
I remember reading this in a reprint of an anthology series as a backup story, possibly a DC or Marvel comic, but for the life of me I have no idea what it was. It was a short story revolving around a prisoner being put in a jail with only one exit, and if he could find it within a set amount of time, he'd be free, but otherwise he'd be executed.

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