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9th Oct '23 at 02:12:02 AMMsCC22
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As an adult myself, I noticed that a lot of adults aren’t even good people (& I find other adults insufferable and toxic) so IDK why that trope is under the Jerk Index.
As an adult myself, I noticed that a lot of adults aren’t even good people (& I find other adults insufferable and toxic) so IDC why that trope is under the Jerk Index.
9th Oct '23 at 02:11:44 AMMsCC22
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EDIT: I only came on here because I didn’t want to remove the trope from the index without a discussion.
9th Oct '23 at 02:06:58 AMMsCC22
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I mean I noticed that most Adult Hater characters listed under that trope hate adults for sympathetic reasons. I mean sometimes AdultsAreUseless and fail to protect children from harm.
I mean I noticed that most Adult Hater characters really hate adults for good reasons. I mean sometimes AdultsAreUseless and fail to protect children from harm.
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As an adult myself, I noticed that a lot of adults aren’t even good people (& I find other adults insufferable and toxic) so IDC why that trope is under the Jerk Index.
As an adult myself, I find other adults insufferable and toxic so IDC why that trope is under the Jerk Index.

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