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22nd Aug '23 at 11:29:46 AMUFOYeah
line 1 changed to:
Tropers/NicholasMac seems to have made an account specifically to re-add a SeriesHiatus entry on Trivia/BobTheBuilder, when [[ as this ATT query]] shows, the previous troper who added it was a ban evader (who also edit warred just to add it back). Given that they ban evaded at least twice before, and, as previously mentioned, it's the only page they've edited on, could we check if they are also ban a evader?
Tropers/NicholasMac seems to have made an account specifically to re-add a SeriesHiatus entry on Trivia/BobTheBuilder, when [[ as this ATT query]] shows, the previous troper who added it was a ban evader (who also edit warred just to add it back).

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