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16th Jun '22 at 10:11:16 AMLendriMujina
line 3 changed to:
The edit reason also mentions that a pothole to CondemnedByHistory was misused, which I don't particularly agree with. At the time of its release, if I'm not mistaken, ''VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosForNintendo3DSAndWiiU'' did have a sizable fanbase (including TournamentPlay, albeit never as big of a scene as ''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosMelee Melee]]'' had), and ''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosBrawl Brawl]]'' (which the entry was about) was forgotten by casual players for a while until the release of ''VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosUltimate'' made ''for 3DS and Wii U''[='=]s faults stand out in retrospect, rather than being "reviled from day one" like the edit reason says. Am I misremembering?

PS: I'm sorry for being a serial tweaker. I keep second-guessing myself.
The edit reason also mentions that a pothole to CondemnedByHistory was misused, which I don't particularly agree with. At the time of its release, if I'm not mistaken, ''VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosFor3DSAndWiiU'' did have a sizable fanbase (including TournamentPlay, albeit never as big of a scene as ''Melee'' had), and ''Brawl'' was forgotten by casual players for a while until the release of ''VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosUltimate'' made ''for 3DS and Wii U''[='=]s faults stand out in retrospect, rather than being

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