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Tropers / Electricbean

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Hello, everyone! I'm currently hiding out in northern Texas, & I'm here to trope!

I mostly edit things related to Dallas/Fort Worth, & clean up grammar. But that doesn't mean I'm boring.

You'll mostly see me in the forums talking about politics, sports, video games, tv shows, & what ever else interests me.

Some things about me (work in progress):

  • Currently a high school freshman
  • Band nerd! note 
  • I want to be a writer

My area

  • So some you may wonder "where's Sherman/Denison" every time I appear in the forums. Allow me to introduce you to this often times wacky area of North Texas & Southern Oklahoma.
    • If you're using a map, it's north of Dallas. It takes about 45 minutes to an hour from here to Dallas. It's not considered part of the Metroplex, but some parts do border some of the counties (Collin County, mostly). We have our own TV & radio stations, so they count us as a separate market.
  • But if we're known for one thing, we're known for some crazy people. Here's just a few:
    • A (now ex) county judge who was known for constantly getting into drunk driving situations. note 
    • A man who murdered his kids & wife & decided to eat his own eyeballs while on death row. Don't worry, link doesn't show any pictures. note 
    • Methheads. Lots of them. More towards Oklahoma than Texas, but still.
    • A news anchor & a weatherman getting fired for not taking the COVID vaccine, leading to threats towards the other people working at the station. (Can you tell that this is a deep Republican area?)
      • Said news anchor decided to run for House...and bombed in the primary.
    • Joe Exotic. You think HEARING it is insane? Try living through it.

There's more, but I think you get the idea.

Favorite things:

  • Sports:
    • I'm a Dallas sports homer. I've never seen a Cowboys Super Bowl & I was too young for the World Series Rangers or the 2011 Mavs. Hoping that I will see a Stars Stanley Cup (chances are good right now).

Tropes about me:

  • Celebrity Crush: I get a crush on someone way too easily. There's a lot here, so let's go with one of my local news anchors, a woman by the name of Caroline Cluiss-Fletcher. We've exchanged several emails & is a joy to just hear!
