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Hair of Gold Heart Of gold / Blonde guys are evil- mixed, being a person you have good days, bad days. I have dark blond hair now that gets a bit lighter during Summer time but I had white hair when I was a baby

Nice Guy- a reputation throughout my years in school

Nice Jewish Boy-raised Jewish, became an atheist at 15

Smart Mark- a respectful pro wrestling fan, been to wrestling school once before. Listens to podcasts and interviews of wrestlers. A fan of indie and international wrestling

Insufferable Genius- one of my worser traits

Know Nothing Know it all- goes with insufferable genius

Beserk Button- racism, homophobia, xnephobia idle conversation extremist conversatives and religious people

Atheism- John Lennon style "whatever gets you through the night" if it is your personal belief but not just organized religion whichI believes is the source of many problems,corrupting children but it is just as bad to mock or reject someone's personal belief.

Recorded and Stand up comedy- a huge fanatic, experience in improv comedy
