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Tropers / Wondercraft

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Uhmm... So Yeah, I start a lot of sentences with "so." My friends either don't notice or don't care, but it annoys me, which leads me to use other words or phrases in it's place. Such as "which." I tend to use that word a lot as well. My name doesn't mean anything, and I'm new to tvtropes, and still learning how to do all the niftier things, like strikethroughs and bold text. Neither of which I know how to do right now. I have a tendency to type way to fast plus really long fingers equals several typos and the apparent inability to properly capitalize the letter 'I' by itself in most cases the first time around.

I found tvtropes thanks to xkcd, but didn't start regularly coming here until curiosity got the better of me and I needed to know what a trope really was. I'm not sure if I regret that or love that fact, since I am very prone to clicking other links.

Oh, and i'm a huge comic geek, so I tend to hang around those tropes related to comics, whether or not I actually contribute anything (I have, but that's besides the point). Also, I no longer watch a new anime without coming on here and getting a review and it's worked out quite well for me. I don't actually look at the tropes the series may give examples of, in case of spoilers that aren't spoiled or some other tidbits. Speaking of which, I've yet to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion even though most of my friends have and this site seems to love that show. I thank you for spoiler-ing pretty much everything about that show. I'll get around to watching it eventually.

So Yeah....
