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Willy Eckerslike says "Eh up ar kid" and then slips into his native tongue, English, with an accent. Which one? jump to the end.

Wheer am frum:

Because of the way most people react when they first meet me, I think it's worth getting out of the way some alphabetic geography. Not only, but all of these geographical entities are at present included for several reasons: Avon, Cheshire, Carolina, Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, London, Mississippi, Nottinghamshire, Somerset, Staffordshire, Tennessee, Texas, Var, Western Cape, Yorkshire,

OK, I admit that most of those places are in England, although I include Wales, Scotland and Ulster and recognize the difference between each one of those rather than use the vague "Britain" or "British".

No, you won't find out my name, address, etc. but you might find some unintentional clues in things I write ... although I do enjoy leading people into dead end alleys and leaving them there.<br>

Will I explain my handle? Will I mention my hometown?

Will I heck as like. And no, it's not a common expression in the town where I was born, even though there did live a man who went to sea (and from whom I am descended).
