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Tropers / Water-Smurf

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Describe Water-Smurf here.

I'm a girl from Northern United States of America. I'm probably one of the most liberal people you'll ever meet, and if you don't take out a hammer and smash my toes, I'm pretty chill with everything. My few friends describe me as morbid, dark, and anti-social while being sweet, kind, and motherly at the same time. I don't get it either. Don't worry. I don't bite.

I'm fond of Transformers mostly—I'm obsessed, to be honest—and I'm a weird hybrid of a cynic and an optimist. I also have problems paying attention to things I don't... Ooh, Shiny!

Anyway, I usually stick to small and minor edits. There aren't many huge errors I find here, so I rarely feel the need to fix something big.
