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Untouchable is an Australian troper who seems to truly believe (or loves playing it up) that Australia is the death world. When not fleeing for his life from everything short of the sheep, he writes an Lets Play for Pokemon Leaf Green in his spare time on the Wrestlecrap forum and is now writing one for Pokemon Quartz.

Untouchables life contains examples of the following tropes.

-Brilliant but Lazy (an unfortunate problem since he was a kid) -Even Nerds Have Standards (A massive geek but even he thinks that LAR Ping is way too nerdy) -Gratuitous Anything (Drops words from other languages into a conversation for no real point) -Proud To Be A Geek -Self Depreciation- Happens regularly in his L Ps. "If you don't (think up some names for upcoming Pokemon) then I'll have to think up things and we all know how that turns out"

-Single Target Sexuality (He would do so many things with John Morrison from the WWE) - Wrestlecrap (A member for about two years now.
