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Tropers / Tommy B

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Why hello there!

Now what brings you here to this dark and depressing corner of the internet?

Oh don't gimmie that look, I can assure you that I'm not too terribly depressing to be around.

Fuck I'm rambling again aren't I?

Well, Name's right up there in the red/blue textual link-thingamajig. Tommy B, aspiring cartoonist! (Currently a student/slacker hybrid)

Over the years I've been inspired by the likes of: Akira Toriyama, Tim Burton, Tim Shaefer, Dr. Osamu Tezuka, Mike Krauhulik, Andrew Dickman(Though my respect for him has....dwindled in the recent years, it's a depressing yarn, really.) Tyson Heese, Scott De Witt and so many more that escape my memory at this time

Being as such, I have a few ideas kicking around in my skull for webcomics/cartoons/etc. But I lack the drive to act upon manifesting these ideas (And thus our true colors revealed!) I also come here in search of a business partner! Someone to keep my ass in line and get results out of me, but also to offer insight and wisdom to where a story or idea needs it.

Asides from my delusions of granduer, I enjoy a wide variety of fun and activities that would hopefully make me a shoe in to get accepted around here! I.e Transformers, Ben 10, Yu-Gi-Oh!(TCG), Bioshock, Fallout 3 and New Vegas (yeah I know, no PC master race salvation for poor old me...), Pokemon (The video games), The Incredibles, Doctor Who, Daft Punk, Misfits (I have a fondness for British Sci-fi) The works of the late great Satoshi Kon, etc.

If the gods would allow it, my biggest dream is to open an animation studio and create cartoons and movies that'd be the toast of the town for years to come!

But for now, a devaintArt page will suffice.
