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My page for myself. Despite appearances, I really do dislike talking about myself. Well, I'll try. And just for you, I'll make it coherent. As far as I can tell, anyway. I probably should start with why I'm making this page about myself, right? Well, I just decided to. This page may get minor updates when I can get myself to make it, mostly in appearances. I should probably stop talking and start talking about myself for now. This little header is getting dry, isn't it?

Me, Myself, and I

  • Name: Robert Gary Van Scoik. Reason for giving my name out, I'm not going to go out and hide it. I may be trying to publish a book sooner or later, and I really don't care to use a pseudonym. Not that I expect you to use it. Or do I ever expect you to use my full name, because that can be awkward. Though I did write once when I was in elementary school Your Name Here as a joke after being told to.

  • Age: As of the writing of this, 19. Was born on June 12, 1991, so if you want to do the math, feel free.

  • Sex: Beyond the joking, yes please, I am 99.9% sure I am male. Male.

  • Sexuality: Yeah, straight. I think, or am again, 99.9% sure. I have fetishes, but that'll cost you something to find out.

  • Personality: Have you been getting this yet? Or were you hoping for this? Self-depreciating, Lazy but Brilliant, slight insanity, and usually sarcastic or random. Shy, but not afraid to speak my mind. Quite possibly a bundle of contradictions. More on that later. Beware the inner workings of my mind, it might not be the safest spot possible.

  • Height: 5'11"~ish.

  • Other: Yes, my avatar is my actual eye. My right eye, I believe. So in a way, I am staring at you.

