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T III aka. David Shirley is the writer and artist of the webcomic Fera.

David is also a Northumbria University alumni with BSc (Hons) Computer Games Software Eng. in other words games programming. Though his main interest in computing is in the field of Narrative Intelligence.

As you can imagine he loves video games- has quite the collection in fact. But his real passion is writing, art, literature and the like. He’s been writing for most of his life- early stories will hopefully never be seen by human eyes ever again. Including the poetry in local print with words like “mish” for no known reason (he claims it wasn’t like that when he wrote it- but then again his hand writing is nigh indecipherable).

He was born April 1986 in the same hospital as Eric Idle and lives in Tyneside in England. Has a some times strange sense of humour and is engaged to the long suffering love of his life Donna, who makes the ludicrous claims that he is both attractive and romantic.

David plays a variety of video games, ranging from Katamari to Mass Effect, Dead Rising to Assassins Creed and many more. From launch until 2007 he played Everquest as an Iksar Shaman (amongst other things) and currently plays Vanguard: Saga of Heroes on Halgar server mainly as his Bard character Amorcea Omnias.


Fera: A tale of monsters. A tale of beasts. - T III's webcomic and member of the WebComic Planet Collective

T III on Twitter

T III on deviantArt
