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Tropers / Somethrowaway

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Hello there! You've reached the page of “somethrowaway”. I don't want to provide any further personal info because I have some severe disagreements with the way that TV Tropes has handled controversy in the past and present, and I do not wish to associate my actual online persona with this website. Still, a lot of people like to use a piece of media's TV Tropes page to judge whether or not they will consume said media, so I'm here to bolster the pages of things that I like, in the hopes that others will find a hidden gem that they otherwise would have passed over.

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If you feel that you can improve on something that I wrote, or you can correct any mistakes that I have made, by all means, please do so. I'm not one of those people who gets pissy about their precious contributions being altered. This is a collaborative wiki, after all.
