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Tropers / Shockingly Refreshing

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I'm a history student who struggles with school due to being a clinically depressed perfectionist. I basically hate myself, but that doesn't mean that you have to hate me too! Anyways, I'm 21, but I still feel like I need my Coming of Age story. Like That'd ever happen. I love cute, furry animals, but I'm NOT a furry (thank God). I've been a vegetarian for a long time, because I despise the systematic killing of anything for any reason.

I tend to get obsessed with certain things and then spend an exorbitant amount of time learning about that thing, before eventually moving on to new interests. I love historic architecture, and it pains me to see buildings demolished. I'm also extremely critical of architecture (and music) that I don't like. My favorite styles are Art Deco, American Craftsman, and Gothic.

TV Tropes fascinates me with all the witty jargon and analyses of the media. I love categorizing things and learning new information. This is a website that really makes you think, quite a rarity these days.
