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Tropers / Sarcastically Yours

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This Troper was normal once. Long ago. For about 13 seconds in a period of time no one really remembers much about. A time shrouded in so much mystery and deceit some say it is only a myth. Others just call it the 90's. And, yes, this Troper likes making the mundane sound epic. This Troper also relies heavily on stream of consciousness. (Captain Tangent wants this Troper to tell the reader, thus breaking the fourth wall, (maybe?), that he (Sarcastically Yours) almost chose PhallusOfMalice as his handle. And then didn't. But that's not important.)

  • Interview with This Troper:
    Interviewer (I): What is your code name?
    This Troper (TT): Bond, J— oh. Er... Sarcastically Yours
    I: And what is your age?
    TT: 18... for now.
    I: Sex?
    TT: Depends. Is she cute?
    I: If I say yes, will you stop being a smartass?
    TT: If I say yes, will you end this stupid interview that isn't accomplishing anything except killing time whilst trying to make a witty Contributor's Page?
    I: ... The Fourth Wall hates you. So much.

Currently a freshman in college, Sarcastically Yours is a spaz. (ADHD. Horrible sleeping habits. Candy. Caffeine. Ridiculously overactive imagination. With our powers combined, we completely forgot the next part. Want to go play Zelda?) Commonly using interweb jargon such as "FTW", "Lawlz", "/fail", and others, in conjunction with the traditional English language, Sarcastically Yours is a spaz. (More on that at eleven.) Sarcastically Yours has a thing about this type of box/form. He thinks one gets to know another better by interacting with them than by reading about them. He also thinks caffeine should be a food group. And everything else should be optional.

Please take a moment to imagine a ASCII gravestone here.

Here lies the remains of my attention span. Rest in pieces, little buddy.
