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Tropers / Passive Engie

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Oh lookie here! It's my page! Hello me!

Of course no-one else would have any reason to come here. I'm not really an intresting guy...

On the off-chance that you may have stumbled upon this page (God knows why!) Here's a few facts about me. After all everyone else say theirs!

. Im from London, England.

. My favourite shows are Doctor who, Ashes to Ashes, Top Gear and most comedy programs (Mock the week, Live at the Apollo etc.)

. My favourite games include Anything by Valve, Sam and Max, Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Fallout 3 and Peggle.

. I am a contributor for (Tf2 site)

. When aye grow up eye wanna be a Fiyah-Truk!

. Plus some more boring information you don't care about: (Error: Information has been deemed too boring for your brain to care about. To fix this problem we have notified a troper. Expected time of troper arrival: never)
