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Hallo. My name is Sophie, and I have aspergers. I enjoy reading, complaining, crying, and eating. Milk is nice, but I'm used to super low fat UK milk, and going on holiday is made horrifying by a number of things, including the fact that other milk is not tasty. I'm passionate about milk, books, protecting Will Graham, Naruto the character, and a few other things that escape me. I'm angry about lots of things, including the Naruto ending, so please don't bring it up in conversation or I will explode no matter what your opinion of it is.

My mother is an absolute babe, because she just offered to buy me food. I am very happy about it.

I watch Game of Thrones, and have started reading A Song of Ice and Fire. I'm aware of quite a few spoilers, so don't worry about spoiling anything.

I like to be refereed to as Xe. I'm also okay with Zhe. If you find yourself confused, I'm okay with most pronouns, but I prefer gender neutral or masculine ones. If you're unsure, you can just ask me, or google search it.

Strangely, I haven't actually read all the Harry Potter books. I know, right? I have all of them, and I'm about half way through the third one. Again, I'm okay with spoilers. I read enough fanfiction to know what you're talking about.

I keep buying books, and I have no idea what to do with them. I end up just reading fanfiction, or watching a new tv show. It's very frustrating.

I enjoy South Park. I haven't played the video game, but I'm going to watch a let's play, I think.

I'll add more to this later, but for now I think I'll go read a book. God knows I need to start somewhere.
