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Tropers / Odairfinnick

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Name: Odairfinnick (Avery Wilder) Age: 17 Interests: The Hunger Games, drawing, writing, reading, Final Fantasy, video games in general. About Me: I'm a pretty laid back person. I find myself fairly easy to get along with, as I don't try to make waves. I try to respect everyone's opinions, even if they're ignorant and rude. Ignorance doesn't solve ignorance. It's best to just leave these people alone, but sometimes I can't even hold my tongue. I'm absolutely obsessed with The Hunger Games, to the point of hosting a mock-Games in my neighborhood. I'm not a very verbose person, and I try not to use more words than necessary to describe any given thing, but I do my best to be intelligent while doing so. I love science, especially biology and chemistry, and aspire to be a high school science teacher. I love food, and my favorite food of all time is... Diet Coke. Don't judge me. I love the stuff.

