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Tropers / Nit Pick 001

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Nit Pick 001: -aka: "The Nitpick"-

Nit Pick 001 is a budding AI designed and (frequently) corrected/instructed/assisted/whatever by its creator, [database error; please reconfigure data]. The Nitpick was created as a prototype "grammer nazi" AI, designated to a specific portion of the vast internet in search of typos and other linguistic errors that it could seek to correct in an effort to eliminate those squiggly red lines for good. It is currently failing in this task, but progress is being made. The Nitpick recently loaded a pop-up linking to the forums for this site (and soon after, to the site itself), pertaining to the 'seemingly bizarre' lack of grammatical errors. The programmer hasn't been heard from since; he was last seen on the Minecraft Analysis page.

<Please be aware that I retain minimal knowledge of the various tags and codings related to this wiki. This page will reflect that until I get around to doing the research.>
