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Tropers / Nephthys

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I'm from Austria, student at the University of Vienna. trying to figure out which major fits me best. well to be honest it's German Philology but you can also find me at Comparative Literature, Classical Philology or even amongst the Philosophy students. —- despite all that, my language skills still aren't that amazing —- so I'm sorry for any mistakes ;_;

well apparently I'm a nerdy girl. I blame Anime for the most part. but there's also Greek Mythology (or any mythology, really), books, books, books, and recently even Linux O_O and of course gaming. both PC and good ol' pen&paper. lost my heart to Stormbringer & Cthulhu.

my livejournal - that makes me look like a total anime-freak who doesn't have a life, but I tell you that's only because I post rl-realted stuff friends-only!! I do have a brain and I even use it sometimes and even for non-anime-related things!!!

seriously, I'm not as crazy as I seem...
