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Tropers / Moviepyro

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Yar. My name be Moviepyro. I believe talking at the theater, cinematic or otherwise, to be the eighth deadly sin, and a negative opinion of the film Wall-E absolute unconditional proof of being a robot. I found Tvtropes a couple months ago, and love it to bits. I often post on Crowning Moments of Etc., and my least favorite trope, and thus my least favorite storytelling device, is Shoot the Shaggy Dog, which I don't believe can ever possibly be pulled off in a way that entertains, teaches, or benefits humanity in any way whatsoever, and is an absolute cop-out on the part of the creator/s. There is an exeption with Burn After Reading, which was far too hilarious to be depressing, and thus constitutes a "Shaggy Dog" Story, but I guess Your Mileage May Vary.

So far I have one MOW nomination. Two if you count a blanket nomination for all contributors of Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming/Troper Tales.

Stay classy.
