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Tropers / Motenai Ronin

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Due to the overcrowdance of information from TV Tropes, I fail to remember how I ended up here in the first place... but since I'm here and I make small edits from time to time, after getting known, I feel it was necessary to make this page, sooo Poof.

First let me explain the name:

Motenai - is a bastardization of Moteuchi. Comes from the anime/manga series Video Girl Ai. The main character is a loser who could never get any dates and so his friends would call him Motenai.

Ronin - need I explain this?

Put them together and I get a sepia toned romantic image of a loveless socially awkward try-hard-to-fit-in. Walking the scorched earth trying to find someone to be his lover and master.

I mostly just add/edit example entries when the mood strikes me.

My top 3 categories are Anime/Manga, Film, and Video Games.

My aspirations are to be an Actor, Voice Actor, writer, Singer, Dancer, and sketching hobbyist. Also look for me online sometime in the future because I may consider starting a webcomic, or a line of Let's Plays over YouTube.
