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Tropers / Mizufae

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Mizufae is a huge tvtropes fangirl, but a wikinoob who is so worried about ruining a page forever that she'll put up with perceived problems rather than go in and edit them out.

She's responsible for dragging Dan Schneider, creator of iCarly, onto Livejournal, and has been called a BNF in the iCarly fandom (much to her chagrin), but has since retreated away from iCarly fandom activity. She might have invented a number of fanon concepts, but can never be sure. She kindly asks that you make sure that Freddie's name is spelled correctly, with an "ie" on the end, and not a y.

She is also a huge science fiction nerd, occasional cosplayer, marathon television watcher, paperback novel reader, comic book fan, award winning fanfiction writer, terrible videogame player, slightly crazy cat lady, internet friend, renfaire corset-wearer, and fairytale enthusiast.

When Mizufae was younger, she was a webcomics fangirl, specifically of Avalon, involved in a variety of Keenspot forum wanks, and may be remembered as one of the more annoying fans. For this, she wishes to apologize.

Her real name is Sarah, and is so consistent in using the name Mizufae in most places that she can be easily contacted in a myriad of ways. She has been known to bite.


