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Tropers / Mc Magma

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I'm just an average information scientist from Europe with an interest in animation and the Superhero-genre. And, of course, tropes.

I've been using TV Tropes for a while before I joined to add to a few pages I felt were under attended. Such pages have also become my primary long as I have something to add to them, that is. I also like adding pictures to pages since I feel they make 'em look nicer.

As an information scientist by trade, I seek to always have my work be factually accurate and as unbiased as possible. If you feel I did make a mistake, feel free to contact me. I'm only human, too, after all.

Lastly, I want to mention that I'm not a native english speaker. However, I try my best and always check the spelling on anything I pose at least thrice before publishing it.

My "children" (tropes or pages on works I created (the page, not the work)):

    Work Pages 

(more coming soon)

My "adopted children" (pages on works I didn't create but greately added to):

Other pages I added to quite a bit more than usually:

Pages I have my sights on and want to add a lot to in the future:

If you wish to contact me, e.g. because you have a problem with any of my edits, feel free to do so. I'm interested in resolving every conflict quickly, efficiently and in a way mutually satisfying. Though do keep in mind that I live in Europe and therefore, when you are online, I may be vast asleep as it is the middle of the night in my country when most tropers are active. Also, I work a full-time job so I can only respond during my free time in the morning or evening (unless of course I'm on vacation, it's a holiday or on weekends).
