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"SWEET CATCH!" -Kurt Vonnegut


You found me.

The jig is up.

I go by Trinity. I write, draw, listen to hip - hop music, and I collect only the rarest pepes. I frequent most spots on the internet, even the most scummy hives of villainy. I enjoy comics, which explains the shrines in my room devoted to Andrew Hussie and Mike Mignola. My most silly fever dream is to one day become a video game streamer but I have more important goals, such as graduating high school and not starving to death and the like. I am the fakest geek girl, as well as a communist shill and a Vriska Serket apologist (not really).

I'm boring on dates, because my idea of a good time is a good ol' fashioned readthrough of the Necronomicon. For some reason, not so popular with bachelors. I guess some people don't so much enjoy the feeling of their minds being rended by the maddening Elder/Other Gods and/or Deadites. My other favorite book is Abarat by Clive Barker, by the way.

I resemble Weird Al, with a bit of Michelle Trachtenberg thrown in. Genetic lottery.

Once, I was playing foursquare in middle school and I bounced the ball into some kid's face. I like to imagine our paths will intersect once more, someday. Ever think about how every instant in your life is a vast simultaneous intersection of unrelated yet concurrent events, whose way was paved by even more contrived shit by people who may or may not be alive right now? I think that's pretty cool.

If I have offended you, tickled your fancy, or anything in between, send me a message. I enjoy socializing.


"Dangut, Bobby, I'll tell ya whut..." -Mike Jordan

"...and in strange aeons, even death may die." -Kim Kardashian

"Oh god, Morty, you killed the Simpsons, Morty!" -Slick Rick

"The destruction! OF REALITY! ITSELF!! -Tavros Nitram

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