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Tropers / Lord Shadow

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The Undisputed Embodiment And Incarnation Of Darkness, or the UEAIOD! By coming to this page, you agree to make me the absolute ruler of you world and your life. All shall despair, I am the ruler of the world.

And now for something completely different! (Different meaning updated. Also: Smileys =D)

Due to incredible laziness, Lord_Shadow (That's me!) doesn't update things much... at all. Never mind the fact that I am the author of Darkest Hour: Eternal Night (The EPIC MECHA STORY OF EPICNESS AND WIN! IMO of course.) and that I almost constantly suffer from writer's block.

I actively enjoy the way TV Tropes has ruined my life! Trope researching is one of my favorite pastimes. (Right next to sleeping!) I also enjoy nearly all manner of videogames, and also like to read... like a lot. I also watch anime too, but not that much besides Shonen series. (The fact that I hate most of them is due to me having watched them. Am getting into watching things that I don't consider utter crap. That might take a while.)

Am extremely opinionated and very quick to say what I don't like. (But I do like parentheses!) Overall, I aspire to be an EVIL OVERLORD OF EVILNESS... ALSO PIE! I'm also self-diagnosed as completely and utterly insane. WELCOME ALL!

Am now a HUGE fan of Eversion. Which I am going to 'borrow' a quote from to end this page now.

(It's been updated. Tune in next year when I possibly add another 2.5 paragraphs!)

