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Tropers / Lightningphoenix 13

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Hello, everybody, this is Lightningphoenix13. This is just one of my aliases on the internet if you know me. I more commonly go by Phoenixfeather13. I'll also respond to Phoenix Farron, Phoenix Nova, just Phoenix, or Hikari.

I am an anime lover, though I stink at art (I'm trying to improve), and probably singing. If you suggest an anime to me, I'll probably fall in love with it (please, I'd prefer it if the most mature rating was TV-MA-V).

I admit it: I fail at coding. Please do not ask me to do any coding. I currently have a long list of anime I'm watching: Code Geass (in the middle of the second episode), Bleach (just as funny as Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (getting close to finishing the Grand Prix arc, up next is Cradle Arc, which reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII), Dragon Ball Z (Okay, it's Kai, but whatever), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Soul Eater, Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebob, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (too funny for words), and more I probably forgot.

I'm also a video game fan, though I do not own a PS 3 (Yeah, let's all taunt the newb).
