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Tropers / Kaelis Ra

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Now, anyone who knows anything about the Necrons is going to know who that is. If you're not acquainted with them, or Warhammer 40000 in general, you should know that Kaelis Ra is their god of death. Massive expert on firearms and history. No knowledge of anime whatsoever. Little interest in Video Games. Rabid fan of Unreal Tournament and SSBB. Pyromaniac. Interests:

  • Warhammer 40000 fluff veteran. Knows more about the Necrons than ninety percent of you all.Made contributions to quite a few of the tropes on that page. Fan of the Necrons (guess at the name...) and the Space Marines. Also the Orkz.
  • Is currently writing a novel that he plans to complete possibly next year. Sci-fi about a mechanical soldier with a heavily altered mind in a nanotech body, and his little escapades, most of them leaving a death toll in the hundreds. Think an extremely cool, logical Alucard, with a completely blank face, the use of Walter's magic wires, and utterly emotionless outside of his being a Blood Knight Psycho for Hire. And he is the good guy, or at least works alongside some.
  • Hellsing. Unbearably bad ass, especially the OVA.
  • Terry Pratchett. Has read almost entire series.
  • Blowing stuff up and energy weapons. Also, most real life tropes.
  • Did I mention 40K?
