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Tropers / Garrisonskunk

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What can I say, I got addicted to tv tropes the first time I found it.

I'm 33 and a big TV Trivia fan....I was a local semifinalist in the NJ "TV Land Ultimate Fan Search", I've worked both sides of the camera, (both in behind the scenes research and film editing as well as on camera as a "Stuckyville Townsperson" extra on the 2000 series Ed) and have occationally appeared on the internet radio shows "Dave White's Talking Television" and its sister show "TV Confidential with Ed Robertson". I'm currently experimenting in animation and reguarly contribute material to the 'net's oldest and longest running weekly live puppet show "The Funday Pawpet Show" now entering its tenth season.

As of this writing I've started two TV Show pages for TV Tropes, one for the 80s "DC Follies" and another for the 50s-70s gameshow What's My Line?
