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Hello world, I'm a guy who likes to write and wants to share his stories with the world. All the while, I'd like to contribute as best as I can.

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    Writing projects 
  • World of Nadiya: A post-apocalyptic story which follows Nadiya as she survives in a nation run by Syndicalists.

    TVT projects 
  • CM Thread: I plan to do some contributions there, proposing and cleaning up entries. Problem is, I don't really have that many candidates to propose as of now. Here's some of my personal plans regarding that:
    • Clean-ups: Basically, assorted things I plan to bring to the clean-up thread regarding fixes and rewrites of existing entries.
    • Various books: I have a crap ton of books that I still need to read, some of which I doubt have been brought to the thread. If I find one, I'll update this.
  • Mr. Nightmare clean up: That page desperately needs some love, from expansions to tweaks for context. It could be more than it already is. I'd also add a Trivia page for a couple of things; namely his many missing videos on Creepypasta narration and what happened with School Lockdown Stories Vol. 5
  • New pages: I have a couple ideas for pages. Namely, two for a couple of AI president channels I've been following adn the Stringini Bros; though I'm not sure whether to make that a Creator, Web Animation, or Music page.
  • Pædo Hunt clean-up: I've noticed that this trope is misused or has deviated a bit from what it's meant to be. This trope specifically refers to the hostility and mob justice that often comes after pedophiles and not that they are a special kind of evil. There's already a trope for those kinds of people. Once again, I'm new to this site so I'll just put this here for now. However, the page is also locked, so enforcing that might take a bit.

    Facts about me 
  • I'm on the autistic spectrum.
  • I like to draw and, generally, make art.

bye bye
