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Shout Out / Galactic Crucibles
aka: Omniverse GC

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Below are the shout outs for Galactic Crucibles.

  • The Bible - Lots of references such as a Great Flood on Ucharpli. Meanwhile, th''e apocalypse of the universe follows the pattern of conquest, war, famine then death.
  • Frankenstein - The Harvesters create new soldiers by stringing together parts of their enemies. Their first appearance in Dark Prophecy takes place in the Wollstonecraft system. Interestingly enough, the planets there are named after characters from Frankenstein''. The most obvious giveaway is that one of the planets is indeed named Frankenstein and another being named Homonculus.
  • Signs - In the backstory of Galactic Crucibles, a group of inexperienced pirates miserably failed to invade a planet covered in acid, a reference to how the aliens from the movie found water to be corrosive.
  • Star Wars - Sol I Dor: Raiding the Harvesters reenacts the famous Millenium Falcon escape from the Death Star.
  • TV Tropes - Galactic Crucibles does in fact make numerous references to TV Tropes using similar terminology in their guides. Some characters even directly point out specific tropes word for word.
  • War of the Worlds - The Ghorax have tripod war machines which are described to be very similar to that from the H.G. Wells novel.

Alternative Title(s): Omniverse GC
