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Playing With / Cutting the Electronic Leash

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Basic Trope: A character throws away their cell phone rather than be bothered by people calling them.

  • Straight: As Alice is driving down the highway, Bob calls her cell phone. She picks it up and pitches it out the window.
  • Exaggerated: Alice snaps the phone in half, smashes it to pieces with a landline, whizzes the whole thing through a blender and gives it to her friend, saying "Eat this. And then you know that bridge over the freeway? Shit off it."
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice decided to leave the phone at home. When Bob calls, it rings in the empty room.
    • When Bob calls her cell phone, Alice takes out the battery.
    • Alice just turns the phone off.
  • Justified: Alice had already retired, but still has her old work phone in her handbag. Bob calls it for the first time in months, begging her to do One Last Job.
  • Inverted: Alice buys a cell phone to make sure that Bob can get in touch with her.
  • Subverted: Alice rolls down the window to throw the phone out, but decides against it.
  • Double Subverted: However, when she takes the call and hears Bob's demands, she pitches it out after all.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice cuts the string on a Tin-Can Telephone.
    • Alice gets an annoying phone call, and throws her phone over her shoulder. There's a loud yell from a nearby cubicle, and her landline rings — "That hurt! You could have just said no!" She rips the phone out of the wall and throws that over her shoulder.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice just lets the call go to the answering machine, instead.
  • Enforced:
    • The segment is an advertisement for a mountain retreat specifically offering isolation from the outside.
    • There needs to be some explanation for why Alice can't just call 911 while in a disaster/being chased by a killer/whatever.
  • Lampshaded: "You know that phone cost $150, Alice."
  • Invoked: "He's not going to stop calling you, Alice — just throw away the damn phone."
  • Exploited: Diane just so happens to be walking down the street looking for a phone when Alice tosses hers out the window.
  • Defied: Carol, in the passenger seat, catches Alice's arm before she can throw the phone out the window.
  • Discussed: "You are not a TV character, Alice. You cannot just chuck your phone out a window or in the river, you need it."
  • Conversed: "I wonder if it ever occurred to the writers that throwing your phone away like that counts as littering."

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