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Live Blogs Pannic's BoJack Horseman Blog
Pannic2016-05-30 17:28:43

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Like many nerds on the internet, I like cartoons. Among the shows that I enjoy a lot are the likes of Archer, My Little Pony, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Rick and Morty, and Steven Universe.

I've also seen some really bad cartoons, like Brickleberry, Code Monkeys, and Allen Gregory.

But if you were to ask me what I think is the best animated television show is, I'd give you one answer: BoJack Horseman.

Maybe you know the show, maybe you don't. You might be like many people who saw the ads on Netflix and thought it looked uninspired. Just another "adult animated sitcom" with a jackass protagonist with loads of tasteless, off-color jokes, except this time with furries. Well, there's a bit more to it than that.

The show follows the eponymous BoJack Horseman, voiced by Will Arnett of Arrested Development fame. BoJack is a washed-up actor known as the star of the show Horsin' Around, a sitcom that aired in the 90s. Now fifty, he wants to make a comeback.

It's true that the show didn't make the strongest first impression; reviews for the first six episodes were mixed at best, giving the show a 56% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However, this was because critics were only going by the first six episodes. The rest of the season was regarded as much stronger, and the show proved popular enough for Netflix to give it a second season, which was unanimously praised and made the show a critical darling.

Now, with a third season due to hit in July, I'm going to go through the entire series and explain to you what makes it so great. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

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