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Valiona2015-12-14 20:36:22

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MLLSD Chapter 29: Ghosts and Gobliins

Saemonza tells scary stories to the rest of the team, who are clad in kimonos, including one in which a ghost touches her on the shoulder, and she doesn't know whether anyone's really there. Most of them enjoy it, except for Mako, who ends up passing out and Giving Up the Ghost, and after coming to, complains that this is why she didn't want to come. Mako grouses about how the "youngsters" in Rabbit Team like those stories, and Saori reminds Mako that she's only a year older than they are.

Ayumi shares a story about one time something similar to what Saemonza discussed happened to her, feeling a hand on her shoulder, which elicits amusement from the others and horror from Mako. Yuuki then goes next, and shares a story about slapping a semi-transparent person on the shoulder, thinking it's Karina. Surprisingly enough, Azusa gets scared, and she and Mako share a terrified embrace.

Miho then shares a story from her old school, when she pointed out a UFO in training, causing Erika to accuse her of wanting to skip out on training and Maho to shoot it down, claiming that Germany built UF Os during WWII and frantically tell everyone to get back to training. Miho's amused at that side of her sister, Hippo Team comments on Black Forest's strength, and everyone else wonders what UFO stands for.

Duck Team's next, and they talk about holding a training camp on a snowy mountain (the location being the part that shocks Saori), when an unidentified person/possible Bigfoot shows up, and they repelled it with their Type 89.

Hippo Team, however, is determined to find the truth behind these mysteries, and find what's mistaken for the monsters, although Miho notes that their efforts to find that by snorkeling might end up causing them to be mistaken for kappas. In the course of their search, they found a tsuchi-moko, but let it go due to it not being what they were searching for, and Hippo Team having no interest in cash rewards.

Nekota arrives, causing everyone else to mistake her for a ghost for a moment and become terrified until she puts on her glasses and explains that she's here to tell a story. Unfortunately for her, her actual telling is nowhere near that level of quality, partly due to stuttering and poor delivery, at least until Saemonza gets her to do the "climax of it.

This is one of those chapters that makes it abundantly clear that Girls Und Panzer was originally made in Japan, and while the (frequent) translator notes on the horror stories and creatures help, they only can do so much. Due to that, and the various scary story jokes falling flat, this chapter wasn't especially enjoyable for me.

Next Installment: Duck Team finds more money than they could have dreamed of, and an even greater amount of trouble with it.

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