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Live Blogs Might As Well Do Another Hunchabck Rip-Off
ToasterFan2014-05-02 11:31:06

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In Which Things Get Painful (Literally For Quasi)

Several people, including Gringoire, have arrived at the park to see Esmeralda dance. Inside the gypsy cart, the trio of bumbling gypsies plot to chroloform Quais (the chloro is in a vial with a skull and crossbones on it, for some reason) when he arrives. After the fat guy prancecs around dressed as Esmeralda and fooling almost no one, other than that drunk jester from before, Quasi is captured and taken before Frollo.

Frollo sends word to the Archdeacon, and then Quasi is taken in the townsquare where he is to be flogged. Quasi is thrown on a platform, the back of his shirt is ripped open and they're not really gonna whip him, are they?


We don't actually see it, thank goodness, but we do hear it, which is somehow worse. Up in the belltower, one of the gargoyles sheds a few tears. This is really awful.

Quasi calls out for water, and in a scene lifted from the book, Esmeralda helps him. For some reaosn, this really pisses Frollo off. He orders the guards to seize Esmeralda, so she and Gringoire make their escape, pissing Frollo off even more.

The Archdeacon and the friar bring Quasi back to church, but not before the friar notices that there's something in Quasi' back. Eww. He doesn't say what, though, so I assume it's something important.

Back at Notre Dame, the Archdeacon, who I'm actually starting to like a lot, apologizes to Quasimodo for keeping him away from people, when they should have helped him into society and shown everyone what a beautiful soul Quasimodo really has. It's actually kind of sweet, if not sappy.

Frollo throws a hissy-fit at the Palace of Justice, since Sidekick's plan didn't work and the Archdeacon did not surrender the treasury of Notre Dame to Frollo. He then goes into a Villain Song, and it's not the worst I've ever heard. It's the typical "I want everything" song, and although the tune and lyrics are meh, the voice actor actually does a decent performance. I mean, he's no Tony Jay, but who is?

Stay tuned for the thrilling (maybe) conclusion!

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