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EnterInsanity2014-04-26 12:28:47

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Don,t ask me why I'm still doing this. Just... Don't..

Another poorly wrote authors note explains the reason Dumbledore swore. He had a headache. Yes, because when we have a headache, we all become swearing madmen. A few 'flamming, prepz and posr' 's later, the story-lord forbid, begins.

Ebony and Draco are in some serious stuff. Dumbledore keeps shouting 'You ludacris fools' (Ah, that's more like it.)He leads them up to a room,(I was not informed how it looked like OR what room it is. Again, the author is lacking some SERIOUS detail.)which already had Professor Mc Gonagall and Severus Snape. There is some yelling swapping between the group, causing Ebony to cry and Draco to snap and screech, 'BECAUSE I LOVE HER!'

Yup, and guess what? That causes Snape to ease on them and say, 'Very well, you may go up to your rooms.' SNAPE? SNAPE? SNAPEEEE? I wonder who brainwashed him, because Snape of all people. Damn. That is some serious shit.

Que sensitive Draco.He asks Ebony if she was alright, then she lied and said 'Yeah.' You get the general idea. Ebony gets dressed into a laced up dress and high heels.... For bed.... Sense- 0.

Apon leaving, Ebony sees Draco waiting for her and he sings. (Tom Felton can sing, *GASP*) Then they go to sleep.

Chapter 6:

This is probably THE single most small amount of writing I've seen in my life. Literally. Ebony is chilling by a table when Harry comes and bumps into her, spilling her bloddy breakfast, y'now, cliche' bollocks even though she's with Draco? Yeah, that. He apologises then comes introductions.

She knows how he looked before, with the glasses and scarred forhead, yet she dosen't know him. Don't you just love logic? Oh, wait. There was none.

Like I said, the chapter isn't long whatsoever, so there really isn't much to say. The only other thing I can add is Draco tells her he has a surprise for her and the chapter ends, so yeah. Not alot.


EnterInsanity Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 26th 2014 at 12:29:34 PM
I realise there isn't much text but the chapters are extemely short so, I apologise.
ReikoKazama Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 30th 2014 at 12:12:22 AM
I... I just... *headdesk*