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Sterok2013-02-02 18:56:32

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A Friendship Sundered

Time for episode 8, "A Friendship Sundered". This title refers to how a friendship falls apart here. Though I'm not sure I'd really call it a friendship, but whatever. 4Kids calls it, "The Day of the Rose", which refers to the main event of the episode. It's adequate, but the even itself isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. Point to RAI. RAI 4. 4Kids 2.

Bloom is sleeping when in her dream she hears a voice, the same one she heard in Cloudtower. The voice asks Bloom if she remembers it, and Bloom recognizes it. The voice asks her to come to it. Cue innuendo jokes. Bloom doesn't know where to go. The voice reveals herself as a golden woman. The woman tells Bloom to remember, making Bloom ask more questions.

Bloom is asking what she has to remember when Flora wakes her up. She reminds Bloom that today is a holiday. It's the eighth episode, seven of which were at Alfea, and already there have been two off days. I'd like that vacation. Flora asks what Bloom had to remember. Bloom has no idea. She sees Flora packing and asks where she's going. She's going home for the Day of the Rose, a special holiday in Magix.

Bloom asks what the Day of the Rose is. Tecna, who is also finishing packing, tells her that it's a day where everyone celebrates their own mother. She questions if they have something like it on Earth. Earth does of course, as she tells them it's just called Mother's Day. That does seem kind of boring in comparison. Bloom's not going home, so Stella tells her that she can keep her and Musa company. I would like to say that this is about half the backstory Tecna has ever gotten up through halfway of season 5, as it indicates that she probably has a mother that she gets along with.

Bloom, Stella, and Musa are alone in the cafeteria. Stella says that all the teachers except Griselda have left. Wait, does that mean Faragonda's mother is still alive? Or is she just using this as an excuse to go drinking? Wizgiz pops up to say hi to them, since even he has a mother. He summons a rose on himself and skips away. Bloom is asked why she isn't going home. Bloom misses her parents, but if she sees them again she'll feel even more homesick. Stella's turn is next. She reveals that her parents are getting divorced. The king and queen of Solaria aren't getting along, so she doesn't celebrate the holiday anymore. Sounds like the thing the tabloids would eat up, though apparently they haven't split yet. Earlier foreshadowing has paid off.

Musa's turn. She hasn't celebrated in a long time because her mother passed away when she was young. Here we get one of the things that has shaped Musa the most. It's also a quiet reminder that death happens even with all the magic they have. Stella apologizes for asking. Musa says it's okay, since she couldn't have known. This day is sadder than most, but life moves on. She gets tears anyway, and Stella and Bloom comfort her. Hey, maybe Stella and Musa don't hate each other.

Stella lightens the mood by saying they should go celebrate the party in Magix. She gets a text on her phone from Sky inviting her to join him at the city and the Rose Ball later in the evening. Musa declines the invitation. Group hug.

At Cloudtower Griffin calls the Trix fools for making Faragonda send a letter to her asking her to discipline the Trix for breaking into Alfea. She's not furious for what they did, but what for what they didn't do. She could expel them, but she's prepared to give the Trix another chance because she senses they have great potential. Griffin is annoyed by the growing collaboration between the fairies of Alfea and the wizards of Red Fountain. There's that wizard word again, which I don't think applies to students of Red Fountain. She wants the Trix to destroy this union which threatens the balance of the three schools. They can do whatever they want to spoil Alfea's and Red Fountain's friendship by the end of the day.

Musa is in one of Alfea's towers. She pulls out a flower thing that projects an image of her mother. She talks to it about how these parties are all the same, and she meets her friends every day anyway. She could've met Riven again though. She explains to the hologram that even though he's strange, she'd like to get to know him better. As she closes the flower, she muses that maybe she'll see him another day. Some sad stuff with sad music. Pity Musa probably wouldn't like Riven the more she knows him.

Brandon, Sky, and Riven are walking through Magix. Sky notes that there's a lot of people. There's too many people for Riven's tastes. He doesn't get what everyone is doing on the streets. Brandon says they're enjoying themselves, like Riven should be doing. A small ship flies over them and releases a bunch of roses over the crowd. Those roses should poke somebody's eye out, but sadly they don't.

Sky gives one to Stella, who gladly takes it. Wait, when did she join them? They stare lovingly into each other's eyes. Almost makes one forget that Stella mostly went for him because for his prince hood. Bloom and Brandon chuckle at seeing them. Riven wants to get going. They see a race going on with windriders. The CG isn't nearly as bad as it was last episode, which is good since there's a lot of them this episode. Brandon explains that some riders are getting ready for the big race.

Riven smugly states that they're wasting their time. Brandon says he'll be racing. Riven points out he wasn't talking about him. Bloom asks what she means. He means he'll be crossing the finish line first idiot. That's what he says at least. Brandon says all three of them are in the race. Riven is still confident. Stella asks if it's dangerous. Brandon assures her that they're safe.

We get a glimpse of one of the racers, and some gibberish symbols that likely qualify for language. One of the racers crashes and sends his windrider flying. It flies near the group, but a force field stops it from leaving the track. Sky explains it in words to Bloom and Stella. The racer himself is never seen, so I'm going to assume he broke his neck and died three hours later in the hospital. I doubt the girls are less worried at this point.

Stella tells Sky to drive carefully so he can be at the dance. Sky says he'll have to put the pedal to the medal to beat Riven. Riven tells him to keep dreaming. The Trix teleport in behind them. Bloom is cheering for Brandon. Sky asks who's cheering for Riven since Sky and Brandon have Stella and Bloom respectively. Riven is irritated and says he can have any girl he wants and challenges them to a bet. If he wins the race, he gets to choose one of the fairies to be his escort at the ball.

Brandon declares this stupid. After a very hesitation on his part, Riven chooses Bloom. Guess he didn't have the courage to ask out the princess. Bloom is angry says he should ask her first. Riven can't get out a retort against her. Bloom says she chooses who she goes out with. She wouldn't go out with him if he was the last guy on Earth. One, guess that frees him up for Musa. Two, but what if he's the last guy on Magix? She lets out a stream on insults on him, ending with windbag. Harsh girl.

The others are worried at this point. Bloom won't go near him even if he wins the race. Riven gets close to her and tries to flirt with her. Deep down she likes him. Wrong girl buddy, though plenty of shippers agree Riven. Brandon is pissed now. Before he can do anything, Bloom shrugs him off. She telekinetically dumps water on him. Magic does have its advantages. The others start laughing at this. Bloom realizes she may have gone a bit too far and tries to apologize. Personally, she didn't go too far. Riven is extra grouchy now and tells them to get lost before running off. Stella and Brandon aren't sad to see him go.

Riven walks alone, pouting that he doesn't need girls. He thinks he doesn't need anybody or this party. The Trix watch him, clearly interested. Darcy in particular likes his personality and muscles. Many fangirls seem to agree with her. Stormy asks if Darcy is falling in love. Darcy tells her to watch her mouth. Icy tells them to bicker later and that she has an idea. Riven wants to be the best, and the Trix have the power to fulfill his dreams. Darcy agrees that he can be brought over to their side.

Icy teleports Knut to them. He's scared as to what they have in store for him. Icy turns him into Timmy. Surprise twist, Timmy is Knut. Or it's an illusion, but my twist is better. Icy gives him glasses, making his disguise complete, complete with accurate voice. Icy starts to explain the plan.

The rest of the group are watching a performer juggle some rings. They then see a fire-eater eat some fire. Bloom gets separated from Stella and watches a dancer who also plays several instruments at the same time with magic. Bloom sees her as similar to the woman she saw in her dream. While watching her, Timmy/Knut reaches her. He asks why she's on her own. She admits she lost sight of them. They start heading to the square.

Knut says he heard that she had a "disagreement" with Steven. He manages to correct to Riven quickly. Bloom regrets having fought with him. He offers a way to make up with him. His acting is terrible, though he does emulate Timmy decently. Icy seems to think he's hopeless. After some trouble, he manages to reveal it as a special Omni drive helmet. Bloom notes that he's acting weird, but he brushes it off. Knut also wrote the name of the helmet on his hand. It allows the rider to drive the bike telepathically. Bloom thinks he should give it to Riven since he made it, but Knut insists friendship is more important and he only got it at a shop. Knut asks Bloom not to tell anyone he gave it to her and departs. Bloom thanks him. Bloom is an idiot for not being suspicious, but I suppose she's got other things on her mind.

Knut confirms to the Trix that he gave Bloom the helmet. Darcy breaks the illusion on him. Stormy liked Knut better the other way. So she likes scrawny nerds? Who knew. They teleport on top of a nearby roof to watch the race. Icy and Stormy are excited to see Riven's inevitable little accident and the blame falling on Bloom. Darcy doesn't sound sure that this is a little accident.

Stormy accuses Darcy of worrying about others, which she denies. Stormy accuses her of liking Riven. Darcy says that he's just nice. Knut seems jealous at this statement. Looks like someone else might have a crush. Icy tells Darcy she's turning all schmoltzy on them. That's a good word.

An announcer appears almost ready to start the annual race of the rose. What does a flying motorcycle race have to do with Mother's Day anyway? Everything, that's what. Brandon and Sky are slightly late and worried about Bloom. Bloom arrives, and Stella is glad to see her. Bloom tries to apologize to Riven and gives him the helmet. Riven takes it and mutters a quick thanks. She wishes him good luck in the race. Riven seems to slightly soften on her here. Darcy seems concerned from the roof.

The racers all line up. Bloom wishes Brandon good luck with greater enthusiasm. Bloom tells Stella the present was from Timmy a few minutes ago. Stella is confused since Timmy went home for the holiday. Bloom wanders who she was talking to then. Timmy's evil twin, duh. She spots the Trix. As the race starts, Bloom makes her way out of the crown, explaining to Stella that she was tricked by the Trix. That seems to be their forte. Bloom realizes someone was pretending to be Timmy. The race begins, and the racers take off.

Bloom decides she has to stop Riven before it's too late. There's only one way to do it. Dramatically confess her love for him in the middle of the race. Nah, she transforms. Another racer who's clearly Darcy joins in the middle of the race. She starts disabling everyone else's windrider and cruises on ahead. Naturally an unregistered racer interfering with the race would instantly cause the race to be cancelled oh wait, no one comments on this. Or maybe this is allowed.

Bloom starts flying in the race. This is terribly unregulated. The announcer just says they have an unusual competitor now. Yup, there are no rules to this thing. Brandon wanders what Bloom is doing. Darcy blasts Brandon's windrider, causing him to slow down enough to let Riven move to first. Brandon stops as Darcy and Bloom pass him.

Riven thinks he's winning thanks to the helmet, as he's one with the bike. Stormy is angry that Bloom is interfering again. Icy is annoyed that Bloom found them out, but she's confident it's too late and Darcy knows what to do. Bloom catches up to Riven and tries to get him to stop. Riven is confused and refuses to stop. At Icy's word the helmet starts to malfunction. It's not really clear to me whether Icy or Darcy crashed the helmet, or if it was automated. Riven flails around and is sent flying from his bike. Darcy catches him on her windrider as Brandon and Sky cross the finish line.

Darcy puts him down and takes off his helmet. Brandon asks Bloom what she did, but she claims she didn't do anything. She looked suspicious to me. Darcy uses some magic on Riven, who's conscious enough to realize she saved him. She takes off her helmet and reveals herself. She's actually pretty good at making herself not look evil. She looked genuinely sad. Once everyone sees Riven's okay, onlookers walk away. Nobody calls an ambulance. Magix sure is a harsh place.

Riven says he's all right as Darcy helps him up. Darcy says that's thanks to her healing powers. Yes, witches have healing powers too. She introduces herself to him. Stormy and Icy seem disgusted with what's going on while Knut looks confused. Bloom tries to separate Darcy and Riven. Darcy insists she was trying to help. Bloom accuses her of causing the accident somehow. Riven calls Bloom a liar who deactivated his helmet somehow so that Brandon could win. Brandon claims he only won by default.

Riven throws his helmet back at Bloom. Bloom begs the others to believe her that the Trix sent a fake Timmy to give her the present. Riven thinks that's a terrible excuse since Timmy won't be back until the evening. That's why she said he was a Timmy look-alike. Brandon sides with Bloom that there's another explanation. Riven is angry that he's siding with her over him. Bros before hoes after all. Darcy seems satisfied with this. Sky says they just want to understand what happened.

Riven is done with them. Tonight he's asking to be transferred to another squad of Specialists. He leaves, and Darcy goes with him. Bloom is dejected, but still convinced the witches did this. Brandon agrees with her, but doubts they'll be able to prove it. Stella says they lost this one. They sure did. End episode.

Lots of important stuff this episode. Stella's parents were elaborated on a little this episode, which will be important later. Musa's dead mom was revealed, which is very important to her development. Riven breaks off with our heroes and is set to join Darcy. All in all, for a Mother's Day episode, not very happy. And no actual mothers.

Bloom tries so hard doesn't she. While I think it was fine with for her to lash back at Riven, the water dumping may have been stupid in hindsight. Her attempts to make up made her look stupid for not noticing the deception until it was too late. Even her attempt to stop the race backfired badly when it put her in a good position to be blamed. The other thing we learned was that she's a little homesick, indicating that she hasn't completely adjusted to Magix yet.

Stella was mostly just there. For once she was supportive of both Bloom and Stella without screwing anything up. She's clearly trying to hide how much her parents' divorce hurts her.

Musa stole the episode even without doing much. The story of her mother adds a new layer of sadness to her life that the others all lack. She's moved on with her life of course, but she still misses her mother. This begins the set-up for her big episode later in season 2. It's too bad she didn't join the others in Magix. Her being there could've stopped everything from blowing up so badly.

Brandon was trying to keep things peaceful, but he's also protective of Bloom. Sky flirts with Stella some more. Riven was the actual star of the episode given how it focused on him. I've heard that his mother abandoned him when he was a kid, and that's why he doesn't trust women. I have no idea if this is canon to all versions, if 4Kids made it up, or something else, but it's a good backstory either way. Would've been nice to have it come up in the show at least. Riven was a jerk, but he did show shades of softening before the helmet malfunction, so maybe there's hope for him yet.

Icy was her usual scheming self. Stormy seems either perpetually grumpy or angry all the time again. Knut was lucky that Bloom was dumber than usual. Darcy was the other star as she showed off her scheming ways and took her own initiative. She's more manipulative than Icy, but at this point it's not clear what her true feelings for Riven are. I think the original plan just had the Trix disable the helmet and hope Riven blames Bloom for it. They would approach him later. Darcy's change was going to him immediately and giving him a trusting face that he could be supported by. They didn't ruin the relationship between Alfea and Red Fountain as a whole like Griffin asked for, but it's a good start.

Not one of the best episodes due to most people being jerks or idiots. Still, Musa and Darcy saved this episode and left good impressions. Stella and Musa now have more backstory. Something has to happen with Riven now. Hopefully Bloom will figure out what is up with her dreams soon. Now if only we got some information about Flora's and Tecna's backstories, I would be even happier.

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