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Live Blogs Cool and Clever Name that Convinces You to Read This Batman Liveblog
BadWolf212013-05-16 08:24:25

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My apologies to everyone who was reading this liveblog. Real life got in the way of playing the game for a long time, and by the time I actually had time to sit down at a console and play, I kind of just wanted to do that, instead of taking time to write everything down. I may reboot this liveblog somewhere down the road, or perhaps write another one. I have several games on my slate, although the one I'd probably like to share most is the original Knights of the Old Republic...then again, several dozen chapters about Pazaak and Wraid hunting is probably not something anyone wants to read... We'll see.

Thank you all for reading, and commenting. I wish I could have taken this thing all the way to the end for you.

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