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Live Blogs The Game's Just Playing Itself, Jon!
Psyga3152012-12-23 21:56:47

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Scene 6: You fear the truth

Psyga: Alright! We entered the castle!

The Hologram shows the heroes in the castle. {Chaos roll has passed, and thus scene isn’t altered or otherwise interrupted}

Our heroes enter the dungeons as they encountered their first door on their left, with no traps it seems.

“Alright. I’m heading in.” Olodak said as he kicked down the door, causing a lot of noise and alerting the monsters inside, which was just a dire bat. {I am so nerfing the hell out of it by halving nearly all its stats. Initiative time!

  • Elfalcon (11)
  • Graceela (9)
  • Olodak (6)
  • Dire Bat (6)

Elfalcon was the first, sending a Magic Missile directly to the Bat. [Damage Roll: 5]

“Wait! I can try and sing it to sleep!” Graceella said as she began to play a melody.

“Oh, like that’s going to work!” Olodak said. [Perform Check: 1]

However, the stress from the bat about to eat her caused her to fret and played the melody horrifically, with the song sounding like chalkboard on nails. In either case, the Bat was annoyed by the song [Listen Check: 14], as was Elfalcon. [Listen Check: 10. Not enough for him to ignore the song]

However, it was long enough for Olodak to take his advantage. [Attack Roll: 19 vs. 10 AC... Success!] [Damage Roll: 5]

“Okay! I take that back! Keep playing that annoying song!” Olodak said to her.

“Erm... Okay!” {I’m going with the idea that the song she’s playing causes people to lose a turn in combat} Graceella said as she continued to suck. [Olodak’s Listen Check: 12. He loses a turn. Bat’s Listen Check: 7, he doesn’t lose a turn].

The bat, however, was now unfazed by the attack and went to strike at the source of the noise. [Attack Roll: 2 vs. 12 AC. Fail]

Though he swooped and missed, Graceella stopped playing enough to let Elfalcon snap out of his headache and grab onto the Bat. [Shocking Grasp: 2]

The Bat was being electrocuted long enough for Olodak to come in and end the suffering once and for all (Graceella was taking time to tune her lute), but he missed. The Bat tried to attack Olodak [Attack Roll: 9 vs. 14 AC... Fail!] but failed. Eventually, the electrocuting caused the Bat to be cooked. {Long story short, lots of botched rolls, so I cut to the chase}

VICTORY! 300 XP Gained {I said I’d half all stats}

Psyga: Well, that was an easy fight.

Haruto: Can’t believe a critical failure caused us to win the fight...

Psyga: Would that count as an EXP bonus, considering that we just turned a failure into a success?

[Odds: Likely. Chaos Factor: 4. Roll... 67]

Yui: That is alright. I do not wish for a disadvantage to be had with you.

Psyga: Alrighty... Should we end the scene here?

[Odds: Unlikely. Chaos Factor: 4. Roll... 71]

Psyga: Alright then. Next room!

Our heroes then enter the next room, which despite its large size, was seemingly empty. {I guess this calls for...}




Psyga: How is a delay going to help us move to saving Maurice’s daughter?

Suddenly, swooping into the room was a hawk.

“KILL IT!” Olodak said before Elfalcon stopped him.

“No! It’s my familiar! I was wondering where it was. Hey, Hawkeye, can you spot where we might find King Draco and the girl?” Elfalcon asked. The Hawk nodded and tried to find a good place of where they might go. [Spot Check: 14... Success!]

The Hawk crowed and pointed towards an arch.

“Alright! Thanks!” Elfalcon said.

“Wait, we’re relying on a Hawk to tell us where to go?” Olodak asked.

“Yes! Do you have a problem with that?” Elfalcon asked.

“... Screw it. You better be right about this.” Olodak said as the group headed into an archway to see if they can find King Draco and Maurice’s Daughter.

MYTHIC: SCENE COMPLETED! Chaos Factor lowered by one.

Psyga: Great! We’re finally going to fight King Draco!

Chaos Factor: 3

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