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TotemicHero2012-08-12 15:27:51

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Welcome to Hell, full of good times and friendly demons! Now 200% more Slightly Damned!

Page 16:

We cut to a beam of white light shooting upward into the sky. That definitely looks way out of place in Hell, if I do say so myself.

Rhea asks what that is. Buwaro reveals that, while he has no clue what it is, he has seen it before. Wait, Buwaro actually knowing something? What's next, Hell freezing over?

Buwaro starts to ask Sakido about it, but she tells him not to worry. She then flies off towards the light, leaving Buwaro and Rhea behind. Of course, Rhea isn't awestruck by the strange light appearing from nowhere. Instead...

"Your sister's freaky, dude."

Hey, whatever your priorities are, Rhea, whatever your priorities are.

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Rhea continues to rant about freaky and weird and freaky Sakido is, despite protests from Buwaro. Okay, we get it, your favorite word is freaky. Now calm down, and step away from the fire demon.

Rhea, for some reason, decides to ask Buwaro if he really finds her "unintimidating". Buwaro hems and haws a bit, and then goes into a crazy internal monologue. For purposes of funny, I'll quote it at length:

"What do I say? What do I do? 'No' means I get my butt kicked. 'Yes' means the same! Ack!! I can't deal with these mind games! Maybe if I smoothly try to change the subject..."

Legitimate concerns, given that we're dealing with Rhea, but how does he change the subject?

By declaring "I like rocks!", of course.

This leaves Rhea facepalming and thinking that Buwaro gets stupider the longer she stays there. Hmmm, you'd think that logic would lead her to conclude that it would be best if they part ways.

Page 18:

Rhea, of course, sticks around, with just one more question: who is this Iratu that Sakido mentioned?

Naturally, he's Buwaro's big brother. Rhea's response is total "Oh crap Color Failure mode". Buwaro, being who he is, doesn't help by proceeding to describe Iratu as having "pointy ears, teeth, claws, and he's really tall!"

Buwaro admits that he finds Iratu scary, only to discover Rhea has made herself scarce. Or more precisely, she's hiding under a nearby boulder. She declares that she won't come out until the "family reunion" is over.

Of course, that wouldn't be funny, so...Buwaro starts dragging her out, wanting to show her his place.

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Rhea apparently gave up, and follows Buwaro to the middle of nowhere. Which, in the Ring of the Slightly Damned, is the same as everywhere else.

Buwaro attempts to placate a frustrated Rhea by showing off his rock collection. Of course, said rock collection is just a pile of plain brown stones. Which, in the Ring of the Slightly Damned, is the same as every other set of stones.

Rhea bluntly points this out, which offends Buwaro. Since he just has to take Sunk Cost Fallacy a step farther, he shows off one of his prized rocks, which he has named "Thadius".

Other than "Thadius" being a girl, we learn nothing else except that Rhea is still not impressed. Then again, this is Rhea.

Page 20:

Buwaro then shows off his bed. Which is made of more rocks. Lame.

Then he shows something more interesting. He pulls away a boulder to reveal his "best stuff", which is definitely not the same old rocks. It's a small cache containing a few bones, some shinier rocks (okay, maybe I was wrong and not all rocks are the same here), a torn-up book, and finally...a white feather.

Rhea picks up the feather, but then Buwaro snatches it, claiming it's his precious very important to him, despite not knowing where he got it. After crooning over it a bit, Buwaro turns and declares it's Rhea's turn to share.

However, Buwaro wants a story. Specifically, he wants to know how Rhea died. Rhea is reluctant, and starts to tell him so, when...


Yep, everything turns pitch black in Hell when it's "nighttime" in Hell. Rhea decides she hates this place (or at least hates it even more than before).

Will Rhea ever adapt to SUDDENLY NIGHTTIME? What's that feather mean anyway? And is Iratu really all that bad? Stay tuned.

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