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Live Blogs Twin Union: We'll Never Fight Alone! (Sacred Stones Draft)
Barrylocke2012-06-05 23:09:36

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Chapter 8: (The Enemy isn't fond of the groups alcohol addiction)

Separated from the rest of the team, Eirika and co. have no choice but to keep trucking on.

  • And truck on they do. In a show of "if it's not broken, don't fix it", the team begins by charging right at the first foes. Artur got the Door Key from the Armor Knight, but Colm saw that there were MANY more stationed in the next doorway. Garcia+Artur really did love their bull-rush schemes, and figured that this was another chance to make it work

  • Meanwhile, Ephraim and Kyle, healed up from the last battle, came in to save their princess. I decided to go with Forde's idea of taking on the Western path alone.

  • Strength and magic, the perfect combination. When Artur went to open the door, Garcia charged into the room of armor knights. Though heavily armored, they couldn't stand against the raw power of Garcia's axe, or the divine justice of Artur's magic. The two of them were able to clear the room very quickly with only a minor scrape on Garcia's end.

  • There was one annoying side effect of the duo's brash charge. A Thief that appeared from a central staircase took the time to steal Garcia's Elixer. Not his Vulnerary, his ELIXER. And Colm was too slow to steal it back. Jerk. He then proceeded to take Artur's Vulnerary, since their speed was equal.

  • The charge had to be held off for a short moment, because 2 mage reinforcements has almost overtaken the group. Eirika and Garcia took them out very easily, but it did slow down my charge. Meanwhile, Ephraim managed to miss a 93% hit against a mercenary, slowing things even more.

  • Artur's magic was strong, but he realized that he wouldn't be too useful against the leader, Tirado. Instead, Garcia and Eirika went at him together. Garcia was able to draw out his Javelin using the Hatchet, making it an easier fight. Eirika almost used her Rapier, but at the last moment took out the mighty Armorslayer. It would win everything right there if both attacks connected.

  • ...only one hit connected. Wounded, Tirado pulled out his mighty Silver Lance, which Eirika was only barely able to dodge. She swung the heavy Armor Slayer at him again. But before she could finish the job, the mighty warrior took a deep breath and put all of his effort into keeping himself alive. He had activated his special ability, and Eirika's sword only did a glancing blow.

  • But it wasn't enough. Garcia saw his chance and used the ever trusty Hatchet to finish off the distracted Tirado. Eirika took a moment to catch her breath from using such a heavy sword, which gave Colm a chance to quickly snag an Elysian Whip. When she was ready, she seized the throne.

Together At Last

  • Eirika: Level 17 Lord; HP: 28; Str: 10; Skill: 15; Speed: 16; Luck: 14; Def: 7; Res: 2; Con: 5; Swords: A

  • Ephraim: Level 11 Lord; HP: 29; Str: 11; Skill: 11; Speed: 14; Luck: 12; Def: 12; Res: 4; Con: 8; Lances: B

  • Garcia: Level 17 Fighter; HP: 38; Str: 15; Skill: 11; Speed: 7; Luck: 10; Def: 8; Res: 3; Con: 14; Axes: A

  • Artur: Level 16 Monk; HP: 27; Mag: 12; Skill: 12; Speed: 12; Luck: 5; Def: 4; Res: 15; Con: 6; Light: C

  • Kyle: Level 11 Cavalier; HP: 31; Str: 11; Skill: 8; Speed: 8; Luck: 6; Def: 11; Res: 1; Con: 10; Swords: D; Lances: B

Turns: 13 (91 turns total)

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